University of La Laguna

The University of La Laguna is the oldest higher education center in the Canary Islands, with more than two hundred years of history. The decree for its foundation dates from March 11, 1792, signed by King Carlos IV. Since that date, it has gone through various names and stages, until obtaining its current name in 1913.

Two hundred years after its founding, the University of La Laguna continues to be a benchmark in the Canarian community that, with the Atlantic as a bridge, reaches out to the world. Currently, this public institution is made up of more than 25,000 people, including students, teachers and administration and services staff.


Kontaktni podatki

Universidad de La Laguna. Pabellón de Gobierno, C/ Molinos de Agua s/n., 38200 La Laguna

ERASMUS+ incoming and

(+34) 922 31 95 26



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