Universitatea Din Oradea

The mission of the University of Oradea is to provide education and research to a high standard of quality in a national and international context of social, professional and, last but not least, intellectual development of the individual, and at the same time to contribute to social and cultural development of Oradea.

These missions are shaped by objectives such as attracting students from all over the world, positioning the university among the best educational institutions in the country and in Europe and conveying a wider community to the significance and importance of academic education and scientific research in general and the one conducted within this university, in particular. The University of Oradea has materialized international relations with 352 institutions from 39 countries.


Kontaktni podatki

Strada Universității 1, Oradea 410087

Departamentul de Relații Internaționale


+40 259-408183



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