Tuje revije

Dostop do nekaterih tujih revij je mogoč preko elektronskih povezav (klik na naslov revije), dostop do revij v tiskani obliki pa je v čitalnici ali knjižnici.

A The Academy of Management journal. Briarcliff Manor (NY): Academy of Management. ISSN 0001-4273. Zaloga 2000-
The Academy of Management Review. Briarcliff Manor (NY): Academy of Management. ISSN 0363-7425. Zaloga 2000-2008
Acta turistica. Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet, Katedra za turizam: = Faculty of Economics, Department for tourism ISSN 0353-4316. Zaloga 1994-
Ambalaža. Zagreb: Tectus. ISSN 1331-0224. Zaloga 1999-
American business law journal. Austin: American Business Law Association: Wiley. ISSN 0002-7766. Zaloga 2011-
American economic journal: Applied economics. Nashville: American Economic Association. ISSN 1945-7782. Zaloga 2009-
American economic journal: Economic policy. Nashville: American Economic Association. ISSN 1945-7731. Zaloga 2009-
American economic journal: Macroeconomics. Nashville: American Economic Association. ISSN 1945-7707. Zaloga 2009-
American economic journal: Microeconomics. Nashville: American Economic Association. ISSN 1945-7669. Zaloga 2009-
The American economic review. Nashville (Tenn.): American Economic Association. ISSN 002-8282. Zaloga 2005-
Annals of tourism research. Amsterdam: Elsevier ISSN 0160-7383. Zaloga 2000-
Auditing. Sarasota: American Accounting Association, Auditing section. ISSN 0278-0380. Zaloga 2001-
Aussenwirtschaft. Zürich: Verlag Rüegger. ISSN 0004-8216. Zaloga 1998-2010
B Die Bank. Köln: Bank-Verlag. ISSN 0342-3182. Zaloga 2000-2008
BM. Bank und Markt. Frankfurt/Main: Knapp. ISSN 1433-5204. Zaloga 1998-2008
Betriebs-Berater. Heidelberg: Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft. ISSN 0340-7918. Zaloga 2000-2008
BFuP. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis. Herne: Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe. ISSN 0340-5370. Zaloga 1994-2012.
Bilanz & Buchhaltung. Offenburg: Verlag Praktisches Wissen. ISSN 0930-0597. Zaloga 1994-2008
BizEd. Tampa: AACSB International. ISSN 1537-338X. Zaloga 2010-
British journal of management. Chichester; New York: Wiley. ISSN 1045-3172. Zaloga 2011-

Business horizons. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0007-6813. Zaloga 1996-2010

Business Spotlight. Planegg: Spotlight Verl. ISSN 1617-1888. Zaloga 2012- .        

Business week. European ed. New York [etc.]: McGraw-Hill. ISSN 0007-7135. Zaloga za preteklo in tekoče leto.
C California management review. Berkeley (CA): University of California, Walter A. Haas School of Business. ISSN 0008-1256. Zaloga 2000-2012
Central European journal of operations research. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. ISSN 1435-246X. Zaloga 2000-
CIT. Journal of computing and information technology. Zagreb: University Computing Centre. ISSN 1330-1136. Zaloga 1996-
Communist and post-communist studies. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0967-067X. Zaloga 2000-
Controller-Magazin. Offenburg: Verlag für ControllingWissen. ISSN 0939-0359. Zaloga 1997-
Controlling & Management. Wiesbaden: Gabler. ISSN 1614-1822. Zaloga 2003-2011
Controlling. München: Beck; Frankfurt: Vahlen. ISSN 0935-0381. Zaloga 2000- .
Creativity and innovation management. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. ISSN 0963-1690. Zaloga 1996-2010
Croatian economic survey.... Zagreb: Institute of economics. ISSN 1330-4860. Zaloga 2010-
D Društvena istraživanja. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar. ISSN 1330-0288. Zaloga 2007-
E E+M. Ekonomie a Management. Liberec: Hospodářská fakulta Technické univerzity. ISSN 1212-3609. Zaloga 2003-
EC tax review. Alphen a/d Rijn: Kluwer Law International. ISSN 0928-2750. Zaloga 1997-
Econometrica. Evanston : Econometric Society, Dept. of Economics, Northwestern University. ISSN 0012-9682. Zaloga 2002-2008
Econometrics journal. Oxford : Royal Economic Society; Malden (MA): Blackwell Publishing. ISSN 1368-4221. Zaloga 2000-
Economic & financial computing. London: European Economics and Financial Centre. ISSN 0962-2780. Zaloga 2000-2008
Economic & financial modelling. London: European Economics and Financial Centre. ISSN 1350-7419. Zaloga 1999-2008
Economic change and restructuring. Dordrecht [etc.]: Springer. ISSN 1573-9414. Zaloga 2005-2011
Economic journal. Malden; Oxford: Blackwell. ISSN 0013-0133. Zaloga 1996-
Economic modelling. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0264-9993. Zaloga 1987-2012
Economic outlook. Oxford: Blackwell. ISSN 0140-489X. Zaloga 1996-
Economic policy review. New York: Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Zaloga 2000-2010
Economic review. San Francisco: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Public Information Department. ISSN 0363-0021. Zaloga 1999, 2001-2006, 2008-
Economic systems. [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0939-3625. Zaloga 1991-2010
Economic systems research. Abingdon: Routledge. ISSN 0953-5314. Zaloga 1996-2008
Economic theory. Heidelberg; Berlin: Springer. ISSN 0938-2259. Zaloga 1994-2011
Economics. The Open-Access, Open-Assessment Journal. De Gruyter Open Access. ISSN: 1864-6042
The Economics of Transition. Oxford (UK): Blackwell Publishing. ISSN 0967-0750. Zaloga 1994-

The Economist. London: The Economist Newspaper. ISSN 0013-0613. Zaloga za preteklo in tekoče leto.

Ekonomija. Zagreb: Rifin. ISSN 1330-0636. Zaloga 2004-

Ekonomska istraživanja. Pula: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković". ISSN 1331-677X. Zaloga 2004-

Ekonomski vjesnik. Osijek: Ekonomski fakultet. ISSN 0353-359X. Zaloga


English today. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press. ISSN 0266-0784. Zaloga 1996-
Entrepreneur. Irvine (CA): Entrepreneur Media. ISSN 0163-3341. Zaloga 2000-2008
Entrepreneurship: theory and practice. Hoboken: Wiley Blackwell. ISSN 1042-2587. Zaloga 2000-
Entrepreneurship and regional development. Abingdon (UK): Taylor & Francis: Routledge. ISSN 0898-5626. Zaloga 2000-2008
Environmental science & policy. Exeter: Elsevier Science. ISSN 1462-9011. Zaloga 2011-2012
Euromoney. London: Euromoney Institutional Investor. ISSN 0014-2433. Zaloga 2000-2011
European accounting review. Abingdon: Routledge. ISSN 0963-8180. Zaloga 1992-1999, 2003
European business law review. [Print ed.]. Bedfordshire: Kluwer Law International. ISSN 0959-6941. Zaloga 2003-
European economic review. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0014-2921. Zaloga 2001-2012
European journal of political economy. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0176-2680. Zaloga 1991-
European management journal. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISSN 0263-2373. Zaloga 1992-2012
EuZW. Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht. München; Frankfurt/Main: Beck. ISSN 0937-7204. Zaloga 2003-2008
F Fachsprache. Wien: W. Braumüller. ISSN 1017-3285. Zaloga 2011-
Family business review. Thousand: Sage. ISSN 0894-4865. Zaloga 1996-
Finance & development. [Print ed.]. Washington: International Monetary Fund. ISSN 0145-1707. Zaloga 2000-2007
Financial theory and practice. Zagreb: Institut za javne financije. ISSN 0846-887X. Zaloga 2010-
Financial times. Frankfurt/Main [etc.]: The Financial Times Limited. ISSN 0174-7363. Zaloga za 6 mesecev.
Financije i porezi. Zagreb: TEB Poslovno savjetovanje. ISSN 1845-0814. Zaloga 2005-2011
Financijska teorija i praksa. Zagreb: Institut za javne financije. ISSN 1332-3970. Zaloga 2000-2009
Financing. Banja Luka [etc.]: Finrar. ISSN 1986-812X. Zaloga 2011-
Finanznachrichten. Göttlesbrunn: samozal. R. Göweil. ISSN Y500-3938. Zaloga 2000-2010
Fordham international law journal. New York (NY): Fordham University School of Law. ISSN 0747-9395. Zaloga 1996-2009

Fortune. Amsterdam: Time Warner Publishing. ISSN 0738-5587. Zaloga za preteklo in tekoče leto.

G Gaia. München: Ökom, Gesellschaft für ökologische Kommunikation. ISSN 0940-5550. Zaloga 2000-2008
The Geneva papers on risk and insurance. Issues and practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: The Geneva Association. ISSN 1018-5895. Zaloga 2000-2011
Global finance journal. [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 1044-0283. Zaloga 1996-
Gospodarstvo i okoliš. Zagreb: Gospodarstvo i okoliš. ISSN 1330-1152. Zaloga 1994-2009
The Guardian weekly. London: Guardian Publications. ISSN 0958-9996. Zaloga 2012-
H Harvard business manager. Hamburg​: Manager-Magazin-Verl. ISSN 0945-6570. Zaloga 2011-
Harvard business review. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. ISSN 0017-8012. Zaloga 1982-
Human resource management. [Print ed.]. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley. ISSN 0090-4848. Zaloga 1996-
I IDW-Fachnachrichten. Düsseldorf: Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland. ISSN 0937-4019. Zaloga 2011-
Industrial marketing management. New York: Elsevier. ISSN 0019-8501. Zaloga 1982-

Information systems journal. Oxford: Blackwell. ISSN 1350-1917. Zaloga


Information systems research. Hanover (MD): Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. ISSN 1047-7047. Zaloga 1991-2012
Intereconomics. Hamburg: Hamburg Institute of International Economics; Berlin [etc.]: Springer. ISSN 0020-5346. Zaloga 2002-
Interfaces. Hanover (MD): The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. ISSN 0092-2102. Zaloga 2000-2008
International business review. [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier.ISSN 0969-5931. Zaloga 1995-
International financial statistics - International Monetary Fund. Washington: International Monetary Fund. ISSN 0020-6725. Zaloga 2011
International financial statistics yearbook - International Monetary Fund. Washington: International Monetary Fund. ISSN 0250-7463. Zaloga 2008-2011
The International journal of accounting. [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0020-7063. Zaloga 1991-
International journal of advertising. Henley on Thames: World Advertising Research Center. ISSN 0265-0487. Zaloga 2011-2012.
International journal of entrepreneurshi education. Birmingham (UK): Senate Hall Academic Publishing. ISSN 1649-2269. Zaloga 2002-2008
International journal of finance and economics. Chichester: J. Wiley & Sons. ISSN 1076-9307. Zaloga 2011-
International journal of innovation and learning. Geneva: Inderscience Enterprises. ISSN 1471-8197. Zaloga 2005-2011
The international journal of life cycle assessment. Landsberg: Ecomed Publishers. ISSN 0948-3349. Zaloga 2000-
International journal of management and enterprise development. Geneva: Inderscience Enterprises. ISSN 1468-4330. Zaloga 2005-2008
International journal of management practice. Geneva: Inderscience Enterprises. ISSN 1477-9064. Zaloga 2006-2011
International journal of management reviews. Geneva: Inderscience Enterprises. ISSN 1468-4330. Zaloga 2005-2008
International journal of production economics. [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0925-5273. Zaloga 2000-2012
International journal of project management. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier: The International Project Management Association. ISSN 0263-7863. Zaloga 1994-2012
International journal of research in marketing. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0167-8116. Zaloga 1994-2000, 2002-2012
International journal of technology management. [Print ed.]. Geneve: Inderscience Enterprises. ISSN 0267-5730. Zaloga 1999-2009
International journal of the economics of business. [Print ed.]. Abingdon: Routledge. ISSN 1357-1516. Zaloga 1996-2008
IMF Staff papers. Washington: International Monetary Fund. ISSN 1020-7635. Zaloga 2000-2008
International small business journal. London: Sage. ISSN 0266-2426. Zaloga 1993-
International sociology. London: Sage. ISSN 0268-5809. Zaloga 2002-
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft. Bonn: Dietz. ISSN 0945-2419. Zaloga 1996-2011
Intertax. The Hague: Kluwer Law International. ISSN 0165-2826. Zaloga 1997-
IStR. Internationales Steuerrecht. München. Beck. ISSN 0942-6744. Zaloga 2004-
J Journal for East European management studies. Chemnitz: JEEMS: Rainer Hampp. ISSN 0949-6181. Zaloga 1997-
The journal of academic librarianship. San Diego (CA): Elsevier. ISSN 0099-1333. Zaloga 1997-2010
Journal of advertising research. Washington: World Advertising Research Center. ISSN 0021-8499. Zaloga 1996-2012
Journal of banking & finance. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0378-4266. Zaloga 1994-2012
Journal of business ethics. Dordrecht: Springer. ISSN 0167-4544. Zaloga 1991-2008
Journal of business venturing. [Print ed.]. New York (NY) [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0883-9026. Zaloga 1997-
Journal of comparative economics. San Diego: Academic Press. ISSN 0147-5967. Zaloga 2005-2012
The journal of computer information systems. Stillwater : Oklahoma State University, College of Business. ISSN 0887-4417. Zaloga 1995-2005
Journal of consumer research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISSN 0093-5301 Zaloga 2000-2012
Journal of economic literature. Nashville: American Economic Association.ISSN 0022-0515. Zaloga 2005-
Journal of economic methodology. Abingdon: Routledge. ISSN 1350-178X. Zaloga 2005-

The journal of economic perspectives. Nashville (TN): American Economic Association. ISSN 0895-3309. Zaloga 1996-

Journal of environmental economics and management. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0095-0696. Zaloga 1991-
Journal of Euro-marketing. Binghamton (NY): International Business Press: The Haworth Press. ISSN 1049-6483. Zaloga 1993-2008
Journal of evolutionary economics. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer. ISSN 0936-9937. Zaloga 1996-2011
The journal of finance. Malden : Blackwell Publishing. ISSN 0022-1082. Zaloga 2003-
Journal of financial economics. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0304-405X. Zaloga 1991-2012
Journal of financial markets. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 1386-4181. Zaloga 2001-2012
Journal of global marketing. Binghamton (NY): The Haworth Press. ISSN 0891-1762. Zaloga 1988-2011
Journal of global optimization. [Print ed.]. Dordrecht [etc.]: Springer. ISSN 0925-5001. Zaloga 1997-2008
Journal of industrial ecology. Cambridge: Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 1088-1980. Zaloga 2011-
Journal of information and organizational sciences. Varaždin: Faculty of Organization and Informatics. ISSN 1846-3312. Zaloga 2006-. Dostop z geslom!
Journal of information science. London [etc.]: Sage. ISSN 0165-5515. Zaloga 1997-2008
Journal of international banking law and regulation. London: Sweet & Maxwell. ISSN 0267-937X. Zaloga 1997-2010
Journal of international business studies. Basingstoke (UK): Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 0047-2506. Zaloga 1996-
Journal of international economics. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0022-1996. Zaloga 2000-
Journal of international financial management and accounting. Oxford (UK); Malden (MA): Blackwell. ISSN 0954-1314. Zaloga 1990-
Journal of international financial markets, institutions & money.  Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 1042-4431. Zaloga 1994-2012
Journal of international marketing. Chicago (IL): American Marketing Association. ISSN 1069-031X. Zaloga 1998-
Journal of international trade economic development.  Abingdon (UK): Routledge. ISSN 0963-8199. Zaloga 2000-2008
Journal of legal studies education. Bloomington: American Business Law Association. ISSN 0896-5811. Zaloga 2011-
Journal of macroeconomics. [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0164-0704. Zaloga 2001-2012
Journal of macromarketing. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. ISSN 0276-1467. Zaloga 1992-2008
Journal of management education. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. ISSN 1052-5629. Zaloga 1996-2008
Journal of management studies. Oxford (UK); Cambridge (Mass.): Blackwell, ISSN 0022-2380. Zaloga 1992-
Journal of marketing. Chicago: American Marketing Association. ISSN 0022-2429. Zaloga 1996-
Journal of marketing education. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. ISSN 0273-4753. Zaloga 1991-2008
Journal of marketing research. Chicago: American Marketing Association. ISSN 0022-2437. Zaloga 1996-
Journal of monetary economics. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0304-3932. Zaloga 1991-2012
Journal of multi-criteria decision analysis. Chichester (UK): Wiley. ISSN 1057-9214. Zaloga 1996-
Journal of multinational financial management. [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 1042-444X. Zaloga 1992-2012
Journal of retailing. New York: Elsevier. ISSN 0022-4359. Zaloga 1994-2012
Journal of small business and entrepreneurship. Regina: University of Regina,Faculty of administration. ISSN 0827-6331. Zaloga 1997-
Journal of small business management. Malden (MA); Oxford (UK): Blackwell. ISSN 0047-2778. Zaloga 1992-
Journal of strategic information systems. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0963-8687. Zaloga 1996-2004, 2007-2012
Journal of strategic marketing. Abingdon (UK): Taylor & Francis: Routledge ISSN 0965-254X. Zaloga 2001-2011
Journal of teaching in international business. Binghamton (NY): The Haworth Press. ISSN 0897-5930. Zaloga 1994-2006
The journal of technology transfer. Dordrecht [etc.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISSN 0892-9912. Zaloga 2002-2008
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Heidelberg: Springer. ISSN 0092-0703. Zaloga 1990-
Journal of tourism studies. Townsville: School of business. ISSN 1035-4662. Zaloga 1999-2005
Journal of transport geography. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0966-6923. Zaloga 2001-
Journal of world business. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 1090-9516. Zaloga 2000-
K Kemija u industriji. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa. ISSN 0022-9830. Zaloga 2000-2005
Kreditni sistem študija na Univerzi v Mariboru. Maribor: Univerza. ISSN C504-118X. Zaloga 2000-2003
Kunststoffe, International. München: Hanser. ISSN 1862-4243. Zaloga 1996-.
L The leadership quarterly. Greenwich: JAI Press. ISSN 1048-9843. Zaloga 2011-2012
Long range planning. [Print ed.]. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0024-6301. Zaloga 1989-2012
M Main economic indicators. Paris: OECD. ISSN 2219-4991. Zaloga 1989-
Management accounting research. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 1044-5005. Zaloga 2003-
Management science.  Hanover (MD): Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. ISSN 0025-1909. Zaloga 1996-2010
Marketing. München: Beck: Vahlen. ISSN 0344-1369. Zaloga 1996-2010
Marketing letters. Hingham (MA); Dordrecht; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISSN 0923-0645. Zaloga 1996-2011
Markt. München: Goethe-Institut. ISSN Y504-4669. Zaloga 2003-2011
Der Markt.  Wien: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Absatzwirtschaft ISSN 0025-3863. Zaloga 1981-2011
Mathematical methods of operations research.  Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. ISSN 1432-2994. Zaloga 1996-
MIT Sloan management review. Cambridge (MA): Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ISSN 1532-9194. Zaloga 2001-2012
N Nafta. Zagreb: Croatian National Committee for World Petroleum: Congresses and Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts: Scientific Council for Petroleum. ISSN 0027-755X. Zaloga 2000-2008
Newsweek. New York: Newsweek. ISSN 0163-7053. Zaloga 2012
Ökologisches Wirtschaften. München: Ökom, Gesellschaft für ökologische Kommunikation. ISSN 1430-8800
O OMEGA, International journal of management sciences.  Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0305-0483. Zaloga 1996-2012
Operations research.  Hanover (MD): Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. ISSN 0030-364X. Zaloga 1996-
Operations research/management science. Davenport (Iowa): Executive Sciences Institute. ISSN 0030-3658. Zaloga 1991-2010
OR-Spectrum.  Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer. ISSN 0171-6468. Zaloga 1997-2007
OECD. Economic outlook.  Paris: OECD. ISSN 0474-5574. Zaloga 2000-
Organization science.  Linthicum: The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. ISSN 1047-7039. Zaloga 1996-2012
Österreich Spiegel. Wien: Österreichische Institut. ISSN Y504-8370. Zaloga 2005-
Osteuropa-Wirtschaft. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. ISSN 0030-6460. Zaloga 1994-2008
Oxford economic papers. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISSN 0030-7653. Zaloga 1993-
Oxford review of economic policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISSN 0266-903X. Zaloga 1993-
P Plastverarbeiter. Heidelberg: Hüthig. ISSN 0032-1338. Zaloga 2000-2008
Polymer engineering and science. Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers: The International Plastics Society. ISSN 0032-3888. Zaloga 1996-
Prague economic papers. Prague: University of Economics. ISSN 1210-0455. Zaloga 1996-2008
Pravo u gospodarstvu. Zagreb: Hrvatski savez udruga pravnika u gospodarstvu. ISSN 1330-5476. Zaloga 2004-
Projekt-Management. Köln: TÜV Verlag. ISSN 0942-1017. Zaloga 1993-2011
Promet. Zagreb: Fakultet prometnih znanosti; Portorož: Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet; Trieste: Universita degli studi di Trieste, Istituto per lo studio dei transporti nell'integrazione economica europea. ISSN 0353-5320. Zaloga 2000-
Public finance review. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. ISSN 1091-1421. Zaloga 1994-2008
Q Quarterly review - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Minneapolis: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Research Department. ISSN 0271-5287. Zaloga 2000-2008
R Računovodstvo i financije. Zagreb: Hrvatska zajednica računovođa i financijskih djelatnika. ISSN 0350-4506. Zaloga 2000-2012
Review of derivatives research. Boston; Dordrecht; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISSN 1380-6645. Zaloga 2000-2011
Review of economic studies. Oxford (UK): Blackwell: The Review of Economic Studies. ISSN 0034-6527. Zaloga 2000-
Review of political economy. Abingdon (UK): Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group. ISSN 0953-8259. Zaloga 1996-2011
Review of world economics. Heidelberg: Springer. ISSN 1610-2878. Zaloga 2003-2011
Revija za sociologiju. Zagreb: Hrvatsko sociološko društvo: = Croatian Sociological Association. ISSN 0350-154X. Zaloga 2004-
S The Scandinavian journal of economics. Oxford; Cambridge: Basil Blackwell. ISSN 0347-0520. Zaloga 2011-
Simulation modelling practice and theory. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier.ISSN 1569-190X. Zaloga 2002-2012
Small business economics. Dordrecht [etc.]: Springer. ISSN 0921-898X. Zaloga 1993-

South East European journal of economics and business. Sarajevo: School of economics and business. ISSN 1840-118X. Zaloga 2006, 2008-

South-Eastern Europe journal of economics. Thessaloniki: ASECU, University of Macedonia. ISSN 1109-8597. Zaloga 2009-2010

SWI. Steuer & Wirtschaft International. Wien: Linde. ISSN 1025-806X. Zaloga 1997-2008
Strani jezici. Zagreb: Školska knjiga: Hrvatsko filološko društvo, Odjel za strane jezike. ISSN 0351-0840. Zaloga 2004-
Strategic management journal. Chichester (UK): Wiley. ISSN 0143-2095. Zaloga 1996-
Systems research and behavioral science. Chichester (UK): Wiley. ISSN 1092-7026. Zaloga 2000-
T Technological forecasting & social change. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier. ISSN 0040-1625. Zaloga 2000-2008
Tekstil. Zagreb: Hrvatski inženjerski savez tekstilaca: = Kroatischer Verband der Textilingenieure: = Croatian Association of Textile Engineers. ISSN 0492-5882. Zaloga 2004-2008
Total quality management & business excellence. Abingdon: Routledge.ISSN 1478-3363. Zaloga 2003-2008
Tourism review. Konstanz: Labhard Medien. ISSN 1660-5373. Zaloga 2001-2011
Tržište. Zagreb: Cromar: Ekonomski fakultet, Katedra za marketing. ISSN 0353-4790. Zaloga 2004-
Turizam. Zagreb: Hrvatska turistička zajednica: Institut za turizam. ISSN 0494-2639. Zaloga 2004-2011
U Die Unternehmung. Zürich: Versus. ISSN 0042-059X. Zaloga 1991-2012
UNWTO world tourism barometer. Madrid: World Tourism Organization. ISSN 1728-9246. Zaloga 2005-
V VR. Verpackungs-Rundschau. Heusenstamm: Keppler. ISSN 0341-7131. Zaloga 2000-2008
Versicherungswirtschaft. Karlsruhe: Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft. ISSN 0042-4358. 2000-2008
W WiRO. Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa. München; Frankfurt/Main: Beck. ISSN 0941-6293. Zaloga 2003-2008
Wirtschaft und Handel in der Tschechischen Republik. Praha: PP Agency. ISSN 1211-2216. Zaloga 2000-2009
Wirtschaftsdienst. Hamburg: HWWA - Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv; Berlin [etc.]: Springer. ISSN 0043-6275. Zaloga 2000-2008
Wirtschaftsinformatik. Wiesbaden: Vieweg. ISSN 0937-6429. Zaloga 2000-2008
WPg. Die Wirtschaftsprüfung. Düsseldorf: IDW Verlag. ISSN 0340-9031. Zaloga 2000-
Z Zagreb international review of economics & business. Zagreb: Faculty of Economics. ISSN 1331-5609. Zaloga 2004-
Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci. Rijeka: Sveučilište u Rijeci, Ekonomski fakultet: = University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics. ISSN 1331-8004. Zaloga 1997-2002, 2004-
Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu. Split: Pravni fakultet. ISSN 0584-9063. Zaloga 2004-
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Gabler. ISSN 0044-2372. Zaloga 1990-2011
Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht. Frankfurt/Main: Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft. ISSN 0044-2437. Zaloga 1998-
Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen. Baden-Baden: Nomos. ISSN 0344-9777. Zaloga 1997-2008
Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht. Berlin: De Gruyter Rechtswissenschaften Verlags. ISSN 0340-2479. Zaloga 2000-2010
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik. Mering: Hampp. ISSN 1439-880X. Zaloga 2001-2012
Zeitschrift Interne Revision. Berlin: Schmidt. ISSN 0044-3816. Zaloga 1982-
ZfKE. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship. Berlin ; St.Gallen: Duncker & Humblot.ISSN 1860-4633. Zaloga 2005-2008
Zfo. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel. ISSN 0722-7485. Zaloga 1985-2008