Dragi študenti!
Obveščamo vas, da Univerza v Mariboru za študente organizira spletni začetni tečaj slovenščine, zato vas vljudno vabimo, da se prijavite na tečaj, ki se prične 27. septembra.
Spletni začetni tečaj slovenščine je namenjen rednim tujim študentom, ki so prvič vpisani v prve letnike dodiplomskih in podiplomskih študijskih programov.
Mesta so omejena, zato čim prej oddajte spletno prijavo na naslednji povezavi: https://forms.office.com/r/RbQ3uFzq2r
V primeru vprašanj smo vam na voljo na erasmus@um.si.
Lep pozdrav,
Mednarodna pisarna
Dear student,
We kindly invite you to join the Slovene language course organised by the University of Maribor. The online course for beginners will be held from September 27, 2021. The course is free of charge for students of the University of Maribor.
The Slovene language course is intended for regular foreign students enrolled in the first year of undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes for the first time.
Places are limited, so registration is required. Please fill in the following application for the registration for the course: https://forms.office.com/r/RbQ3uFzq2r
If you have any questions, please contact us at erasmus@um.si.
Kind regards,
International Relations Office