Summer school: Big data EU Business Implications

2018 topics: Big Data 4 Health and Wellbeing

18th June – 23th June 2018


Big Data implications survey

Dear Student,

In the BD EU BI Summer school, we introduced Big Data from multiple perspectives and assisted you in dealing with the Big Data related issues.

To get more concrete, we formed groups and confronted them with a task to develop a conceptual development plan for a Big Data based service of your choice.

To succeed in your mission, you will were introduced to EU concepts, directives, and support options on applying Big Data technologies in the EU.

You met the opportunities, Big Data offers to master multiple business related challenges.

We also discussed which IT tools and methodologies to apply to lead successful Big Data projects.

On a field trip, we met experts in companies that deliver state of the art Big Data products and services.

Finally, teams presented the results of your work to your colleagues and experts from the Big Data field. By  actively attending the summer school, you have build up essential competencies, needed for successful entry into the business domain.

Thank you for Your effort!

2016 project results




2017 project results

2018 project results


Co-funded by Jean Monnet
of the European Union