Student status
Status validity
Student status for enrolled students lasts from 1 October to 30 September of the current academic year. This also applies to all first-cycle students who graduate before 30 September of the current academic year.
Student status will cease:
→ at the end of the academic year in which the student has completed a first-cycle study programme;
→ when the student has completed a second-cycle study programme;
→ when the student has completed a third-cycle study programme;
→ if a student fails to graduate in a first- or second-cycle study programme within 12 months of the end of the final semester;
→ if a student fails to complete studies in an integrated master’s study programme within 12 months of the end of the final semester;
→ if a student fails to complete postgraduate studies in a third-cycle study programme within the period prescribed by the statute;
→ if a student fails to enrol in the next year or semester during their studies;
→ if a student withdraws;
→ if a student is expelled.
Notwithstanding the fourth indent of the previous paragraph, student status ceases at the end of the final semester if the student repeated a year or changed their study programme or course during their studies. In the cases referred to in the fourth, fifth and seventh indents, students may extend their student status for justified reasons, but for a maximum of one year. Students who become parents during their studies may extend their student status by one year for each live-born child.
Progression Requirements
1st Cycle Program "Economics and Business Sciences"
To advance to the 2nd year, the student must complete study obligations totaling at least 45 ECTS.
To repeat the year, the student must complete at least half of the obligations (30 ECTS) - submit an application to the Academic Affairs Committee (AAC).
To advance to the 3rd year, the student must complete all 1st-year obligations and 2nd-year study obligations totaling at least 45 ECTS.
2nd Cycle Program "Economics and Business Sciences" and Data Science in Business
To advance to the 2nd year, the student must complete study obligations totaling at least 45 ECTS.
To repeat the year, the student must complete at least half of the obligations (30 ECTS).
Student Status After Completion of the Last Semester of Study
Right to extend student/graduate status
In accordance with Article 70 of the Higher Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 32/12 – consolidated text, 40/12 – ZUJF, 57/12 – ZPCP-2D, 109/12, 85/14, 75/16, 61/17 – ZUPŠ, 65/17, 175/20 – ZIUOPDVE, 57/21 – decision of the Constitutional Court, 54/22 – ZUPŠ-1, and 100/22 – ZSZUN), student status terminates:
→ for a student completing the 1st-cycle study program at the end of the academic year in which they completed the study,
→ for a student completing the 2nd-cycle study program,
→ for a student completing the 3rd-cycle study program,
→ if the student does not complete the 1st or 2nd-cycle study program within 12 months after completing the last semester,
→ if the student does not complete the 2nd-cycle study program within 12 months after completing the last semester,
→ if the student does not complete the 3rd-cycle postgraduate study within the prescribed period defined in the statute,
→ if the student fails to enroll in the next year or semester during their studies,
→ if the student withdraws,
→ if the student is excluded.
Regardless of the fourth paragraph of the previous paragraph, the student's status ceases at the end of the last semester if they repeated a year, changed their study program or direction during their studies.
In cases of the fourth, fifth, and seventh paragraphs of the first paragraph and the second paragraph of this article, the student's status can be extended for valid reasons, but for a maximum of one year.
Female students who give birth during their studies and male students who become fathers during their studies have the right to extend student status for one year for each live-born child.
Deviation from Enrollment Conditions - Academic Affairs Committee
Enrolment in a higher year
a) ENROLMENT IN THE NEXT HIGHER YEAR (students who meet the enrolment conditions)
→ Students who met all the enrolment conditions can enrol electronically via the AIPS web portal.
→ Print a copy of the completed ENROLMENT SHEET and sign it where required. If the enrolment sheet is not signed, enrolment cannot be completed.
→ THE FOLLOWING MUST BE ENCLOSED:Foreign students enrolling in the second year of the (Slovenian) study programme must enclose a certificate attesting that they have completed a Slovenian language course (minimum of 30 hours).
→ Send all documents by registered mail to the following address: University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor marked “Enrolment in the next year”.
→ If the received application is incomplete, you will receive a message asking you to provide the missing documents to your student e-mail address.
→ After the enrolment procedure is complete, you will receive a universal payment order to your home address for the payment of the enrolment fee. The price list is available here. Once you receive the payment order, pay the enrolment fee.
You can pick up the hologram sticker for your student card at the Student Affairs Office during office hours at a later date.
If you need a transcript of records, you can order it via the AIPS portal.
Students who will not have met the requirements for progression to the next year may apply for exceptional enrolment in the next year in accordance with Article 85 of the UM Statute. They must submit an application to the Academic Affairs Committee. Mandatory attachment: completed form, supporting documents and proof of payment of fee for the issuance of the decision.
NOTE: Students submitting an application for enrolment in the next year who also meet the conditions for repeating a year are advised to submit an alternative Application for Repeating a Year in case their progression to the next year might not be approved.
Students who have other justified reasons (Articles 85, 121 and 214 of the UM Statute) may have their student status extended (Article 214 of the UM Statute) for one year during their studies or upon the completion of their studies with Year Plus. Students must submit the Request to Academic Affairs Committee. Mandatory attachment: completed form, supporting documents and proof of payment of fee for the issuance of the decision.
Repeating a year
Students who failed to complete the requirements for progression to the next year may repeat a year once during their studies.
To repeat a year, students must submit the Application for Repeating a Year to the Academic Affairs Committee before enrolling. If you repeat a year, you CAN NOT take an additional year (»absolvent,« »stay-back« year) at the end of the studies.
Students may repeat a year upon approval of the Academic Affairs Committee of the university member provided they have:
1. Regularly participated in all forms of academic work prescribed by the study programme, and
2. Accumulated at least 30 ECTS credits in the year in which they are enrolled.
In exceptional cases, the Academic Affairs Committee may also grant approval to repeat a year to students who have regularly participated in all forms of academic work prescribed by the study programme but accumulated less than 30 ECTS credits (but not less than 15 ECTS credits) in the year in which they are enrolled, provided there are justified reasons for extending the student status as defined by the UM Statute.
An appeal against the decision of the Academic Affairs Committee may be lodged with the University Committee for Student Appeals within 8 days. The decision of the University Committee for Student Appeals is final.
Students who are enrolled in a new study programme due to repeating a year will complete their studies under the new study programme. Students for whom this applies must submit an application for the recognition of completed requirements and identification of missing requirements under the new programme to the Academic Affairs Committee.