Examinations and assessment of knowledge in first-, second- and third-cycle study programmes are regulated by the Rules on Examinations and Grading of the University of Maribor.
Exam dates for all study programmes in the 2023/2024 academic year are posted on the AIPS web portal.
Winter exam period: 27 January–21 February 2025
Summer exam period: 16 June–11 July 2025
Autumn exam period: 11 August–5 September 2025
Registering for exams
You can register for an exam via the AIPS web portal.
The registration deadline is 5 days before the date of the exam. An exam can only be taken by students who fulfil the exam requirements.
Withdrawing from an exam
Students may withdraw from an exam via the AIPS portal no later than 2 days before the exam. If a student does not sit the exam for which they have registered, they may not register for the next exam date.
Recognition of exams
Recognition of exams is regulated according to the procedures and criteria set out in the Rules on the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills in the Study Programmes of the University of Maribor.
The process of identification, verification and recognition of knowledge and skills is initiated by the candidate, who submits an application to the Student Affairs Office. The form must have attached a valid syllabus for the completed course and an original record of grade earned on the exam.
These procedures apply to candidates enrolling at the University of Maribor, as well as enrolled students who want to have their knowledge recognised as part of the completed study requirements in the existing programme.
Costs associated with the procedure for recognition and validation of completed study requirements are paid by the candidate on the basis of the UM Price List.
The cost of the procedure for identification and recognition of knowledge and skills before enrolment or during studies is charged to candidates/students who wish to apply for recognition of non-formal knowledge* which has not been agreed in advance between the faculty and the candidate/student. Everyone else is charged a fee for the issuance of the decision on the recognition of learning units.
*Non-formal knowledge and skills are those gained in educational and higher education institutions or outside them, and are demonstrated with certificates of acquired knowledge or skills (courses, workshops, seminars, etc.). Educational activities do not grant candidates a state-approved educational level or qualification. The category of non-formal knowledge and skills includes those gained through informal learning in the workplace, at home (self-education, amateur activities) and in the everyday environment, and covers all the knowledge, skills and experience that candidates acquire in everyday situations. Knowledge gained in this way is demonstrated by employer certificates, own products or personal records.
Applications for recognition of exams taken at other faculties for the winter semester courses should be submitted by 15 October of the current year. Applications for recognition of exams taken at other faculties for the summer semester courses should be submitted by 5 March of the current year. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that applications will be processed in a timely manner.
Committee exam
Students of the University of Maribor can take an exam a maximum of six (6) times. However, when an exam is taken for the 4th, 5th and 6th time, it is considered a committee exam and is subject to a fee. Students should register for a committee exam via the AIPS portal at least 7 days before the announced exam date. After the exam, students receive by post an invoice for the payment of the committee exam fee according to the Price List of the UM.
Grade improvement
Students may improve a grade achieved in a course. To improve a grade in the current academic year, students do not require the permission of the course instructor. To improve a grade at a later date, students must obtain the consent of the course instructor before registering for the exam. If the student receives a lower grade, the first one (the higher one) counts. Exams may be retaken only once.
Taking higher year exams
Students repeating a year may take higher year exams provided they have met all the requirements for the current year and obtained written consent from the course coordinator (decision of the committee).
Student submits a physical application form to the Student Affairs Office at least seven days before the exam. Student Affairs Office informs the student about the final grade on UM e-mail. The student is obliged, during the academic year when he has prescribed this teaching unit, timely inform the Student Affairs Office about already passed examination.
Exams for (elective) courses that are not currently taught
If students fulfil the requirements for taking an exam, but the course is no longer taught, they may take the exam on regular exam dates.
If students do not fulfil the requirements for taking an exam (if they have not completed the prescribed requirements in tutorials or lectures), and the course is no longer taught, they may submit a Application for replacement of an elective course to the Academic Affairs Committee. They can choose a new course from the elective courses that will be taught in the next academic year. The deadline for submitting the request is the end of September.