Pilot project (NOO)
Pilot project (NOO): A bridge between academic knowledge and innovative green digital business practice
Institute | Naročnik | Projekt | Vodja | Sodelavci | Leto |
Inštitut za projektni management | Pilot project: A bridge between academic knowledge and innovative green digital business practice | dr. Igor Vrečko | Patrick Šumandl Aljaž Kocet | 1. 11. 2022 - 30.10.2025 |
From November 23 to 25, 2022, the AACSB conference was held in Amsterdam, where Prof. Dr. Igor Vrečko presented in his speech the design and the first implemented activities of the pilot project "A bridge between academic knowledge and innovative green digital business practice", which is being implemented at FEB. The project has attracted a lot of attention. In particular, conference attendees showed interest in the applied approach to mapping sustainability and SDG topics in the content of the courses, as this is a challenge that a number of business and economics faculties around the world are currently addressing. The approach we used at FEB was seen by many as innovative and broadly useful, not only from the standpoint of directly informing the inclusion of SDG/sustainable content in the curriculum, but also in raising participants' awareness of the importance of these issues. Quite a few representatives of foreign faculties commented that they themselves will approach mapping in a similar way as we did at FEB.