2022 - 2020

Pilot project: A bridge between academic knowledge and innovative green digital business practice

IntituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersTypeYear
Institute of Project ManagementPilot project: A bridge between academic knowledge and innovative green digital business practicedr. Igor VrečkoInternational project1.11.2022 - 30.10.2025


From November 23 to 25, 2022, the AACSB conference was held in Amsterdam, where Prof. Dr. Igor Vrečko presented in his speech the design and the first implemented activities of the pilot project "A bridge between academic knowledge and innovative green digital business practice", which is being implemented at FEB. The project has attracted a lot of attention. In particular, conference attendees showed interest in the applied approach to mapping sustainability and SDG topics in the content of the courses, as this is a challenge that a number of business and economics faculties around the world are currently addressing. The approach we used at FEB was seen by many as innovative and broadly useful, not only from the standpoint of directly informing the inclusion of SDG/sustainable content in the curriculum, but also in raising participants' awareness of the importance of these issues. Quite a few representatives of foreign faculties commented that they themselves will approach mapping in a similar way as we did at FEB.

Intellectual services relative to the inclusive entrepreneurship country policy assessments 2020

IntituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeYear
Institut for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementOECDIntellectual services relative to the inclusive entrepreneurship country policy assessments 2020doc. dr. Katja CrnogajInternational project2020

Development of a methodology for estimating the social and economic impact of individual institutions and testing on selected health institutions in Slovenia

IntituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersTypeYear
Institute of Finance and Artificial IntelligenceWHODevelopment of a methodology for estimating the social and economic impact of individual institutions and testing on selected health institutions in Sloveniaddr. Timotej Jagričdr. Dušan Fister, dr. Vita JagričInternational project2020

2018 and 2017

Economic Footprint of Health systems in selected WHO European countries

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeYear
Institute of Finance and Artificial IntelligenceWHOEconomic Footprint of Health systems in selected WHO European countries ddr. Timotej JagričInternational project2018

Contract for intellectual services

InstituteFinancing AgentProject LeaderTypeYear
Insitute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementOECDContract for intellectual servicesdr. Karin ŠirecInternational project2018

Contract for Intellectual Services relative to Inclusive Entrepreneurship Country Policy Assessments

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeYear
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementOECDContract for Intellectual Services relative to Inclusive Entrepreneurship Country Policy Assessmentsdr. Karin ŠirecInternational project2017

2016 and older

Strengthening Higher Education in the Sphere of Finance in Siberia and Far East of Russia

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersTypeDuration
Institute of Operational ResearchTEMPUSStrengthening Higher Education in the Sphere of Finance in Siberia and Far East of Russiadr. Polona Tomincdr. Samo Bobek, dr. Damijan MumelInternational project2013 - 2016

About Project: 

The wider objective of EduSFE is to modernize higher education in Finance on Master-level in the remote Russian regions Siberia and Far East in line with the Bologna process. The regional focus of the project was chosen, as Siberia and Far East are underprivileged territories which have not received much attention so far. This is also reflected in intentions of the Russian government to enhance higher education in these regions. The subject of Finance was chosen, as it is a crucial factor for regional development and skilled graduates in this field are coveted by the business community and the public sector alike.  

More specifically the project aims to:

  • reform existing master curricula in Finance at 5 Russian HEIs in Siberia and Far East in accordance with EU standards (incl. ECTS, Diploma Supplement)
  • increase the convergence of these master programmes in Finance with labour market demands to foster employability of graduates
  • enhance the international orientation of these master programmes through 5 new double degree programmes (incl. recognition arrangements) between EU and Russian HEIs in line with the Bologna process
  • improve the quality and relevance of these master programmes through measures such as teacher training and updated course contents        


National Research Tomsk State University (Russian Federation)  



Baikal State University of Economics and Law (Russian Federation), University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna (Austria), meå University -  Umeå School of Business and Economics (Sweden), Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law ( Russian Feederation), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), Zabaikalskiy State University (Russian Federation), East Siberia State University of Technology and Management (Russian Federation), University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Regions benefiting from returning migrations (ReTurn)

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeDuration
Institute of Economic Analysis and ForecastingCentral EuropeRegions benefiting from returning migrations (ReTurn)dr. Darja BoršičInternational Research2011 - 2014

Interim evaluation of the participation of SMEs in the Cooperation Prog. and the Research for the benefit of SMEs schemes under the Capacities Prog. of the Seventh Framework Prog. for Research, Technol. development and Demonstration activities

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeDuration
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Samll Business ManagementEuropean Commission, BelgijaInterim evaluation of the participation of SMEs in the Cooperation Prog. and the Research for the benefit of SMEs schemes under the Capacities Prog. of the Seventh Framework Prog. for Research, Technol. development and Demonstration activitiesdr. Miroslav RebernikInternational Research2012 - 2013

Culture4Leadership - Advancement of intercultural leadership competencies - a study for the development and submission of an ETZ project

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeDuration
Insitute of MarketingUniversity of GrazCulture4Leadership - Advancement of intercultural leadership competencies - a study for the development and submission of an ETZ projectdr. Borut MilfelnerInternational Research2012 - 2013

Contract for intellectual services relative to country notes

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeYear
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Samll Business ManagementOECDContract for intellectual services relative to country notesdr. Karin ŠirecInternational project2014

5 post carriages regional innovative tourism development program No. Si-HU-2-1-008 (SI-HU Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013)

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeYear
Institute of Operational ResearchUniversity of Pannonia5 post carriages regional innovative tourism development program No. Si-HU-2-1-008 (SI-HU Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013)dr. Polona TomincInternational Research2012

Multiple framework contract with reopening of competition to provide economic analysis in support of SME policy

InstituteFinancing Agent ProjectLeaderTypeDuration
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementEuropean Commission, BelgijaMultiple framework contract with reopening of competition to provide economic analysis in support of SME policydr. Miroslav RebernikInternational Research2012 - 2014

European Union for Youth

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeDuration
Institute of International Economic and Business StudiesJean MonnetEuropean Union for Youthdr. Romana Korez VideInternational Research2012 - 2013

Erasmus Intensive Programme: Public and Private Partnership - working for change and cooperation

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersTypeDuration
Institute of Operational ResearchCMEPIUSErasmus Intensive Programme: Public and Private Partnership - working for change and cooperationdr. Polona TomincDarja BoršičIntenzive Programme2012 - 2014

Leonardo da Vinci – Creative trainer

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeDuration
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementEuropean Commission, BelgijaLeonardo da Vinci – Creative trainerdr. Miroslav RebernikInternational Research

2007 - 2013

Framework contract for the provision of services to the Commission in the fields of research evaluation and research policy analysis - LOT2

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeDuration
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementEuropean Commission, BelgijaFramework contract for the provision of services to the Commission in the fields of research evaluation and research policy analysis - LOT2dr. Miroslav RebernikInternational Research2010 - 2014


InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersTypeDuration
Institute of Management and OrganisationSlužba vlade RS za lokalno samoupravo in regionalno politikoChance4Changedr. Simona Šarotar Žižekdr. Borut Milfelner, dr. Sonja Treven, dr. Aleksandra Pisnik Korda, dr. Simona Sternad, Urška TrevenInternational Research2010 - 2013

Entreprenuarial Activities in Europe: Country specific note for Slovenia

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeYear
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementOECDEntreprenuarial Activities in Europe: Country specific note for Sloveniadr. Karin ŠirecInternational project2012

Contract for intellectual services relative to DG Employment, social affairs and inclusion

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderTypeYear
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementOECDContract for intellectual services relative to DG Employment, social affairs and inclusiondr. Karin ŠirecInternational project2013

FoSentHE – Fostering Entrepreneurship in Higher Education (TEMPUS)

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersTypeDuration
Institute of Management and OrganisationEuropean Commisson, BelgijaFoSentHE – Fostering Entrepreneurship in Higher Education (TEMPUS)dr. Vojko Potočandr. Miroslav Rebernik, dr. Sonja Treven, dr. Zlatko NedelkoInternational Research

2009 - 2012