
Current projects

MICE Next Evolution (MICE.N.E.)

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration
Institute of e-busines and Information technology ManagementErasmus+MICE Next Evolution (MICE.N.E)dr. Igor Perkodr. Vojko Potočan, dr. Sonja Sibila Lebe29.12.2023 - 28.12.2025

Past projects

E-laboratory for digital education

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration

Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Business Taxation






E-laboratory for digital education


dr. Lidija Hauptman



dr. Igor Perko, dr. Andreja Lutar Skerbinjek, dr. Nuša Basle

01.03.2021 - 28.02.2023



More Informations about project:

Spatial and economic science in higher education – addressing the playful potential of simulation games (​Spationomy 2.0​)

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration
Institute of E-business and Information Technology ManagementErasmus+Spatial and economic science in higher education – addressing the playful potential of simulation games (​Spationomy 2.0​)dr. Simona Sternad Zabukovšekdr. Polona Tominc, dr. Samo Bobek01.09.2019 - 31.12.2022

More about project: 
The aim of the project is to establish a platform for knowledge exchange between staff/teachers and students in the field of »geo-informatics« and economy.

Objectives of the project are:

  • To bring students from different fields together, through blended mobility, where they will help develop novel approach in spatial economic data analyses. 
  • To bring scientists with different background together in order to establish a new cooperation within "spatial economics" domain.
  • To assess the potential of playful, experiential and simulation game-based learning in this context.
  • To devise an interdisciplinary and multinational course that facilitates interconnection between economy and geoinformatics.
  • To develop an open access methodology of spatial exploration of economic data.
  • To establish a simulation game scenario in order to model real world problems and their solutions…


Moravian University College Olomouc (Czech Republic) 

Project partners:
Palacky University Olomouc (Chech Republic), Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), University of Maribor (Slovenia)



Economics of Sustainability

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration
Institute of Corporate Governance and Strategic ManagementErasmus+Economics of Sustainabilitydr. Tjaša Štrukeljdr. Mojca Duh, dr. Jernej Belak, dr. Barbara Bradač Hojnik, dr. Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, dr. Romana Korez Vide01.12.2019 - 31.08.2022

More Informations about project:



Future-proof your classroom: teaching skills 2030

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration
Institute of Tourism and Business LogisticsErasmus+, KA2Future-proof your classroom: teaching skills 2030dr. Sonja Sibila Lebedr. Igor Perko

01.09.20219 - 29.02.2020

Spatial exploration of economic data - methods of interdisciplinary analyzis

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementErasmus+Spatial exploration of economic data - methods of interdisciplinary analyzisdr. Polona Tomincdr. Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, dr. Samo Bobek01.09.2016 - 31.08.2019

More about project:

The aim of the project is to establish a platform for knowledge exchange between staff/teachers and students in the field of »geo-informatics« and economy.    

Objectives of the project are:

  • To bring students from different fields together, through blended mobility, where they will help develop novel approach in spatial economic data analyses. 
  • To bring scientists with different background together in order to establish a new cooperation within "spatial economics" domain.
  • To assess the potential of playful, experiential and simulation game-based learning in this context.
  • To devise an interdisciplinary and multinational course that facilitates interconnection between economy and geoinformatics.
  • To develop an open access methodology of spatial exploration of economic data.
  • To establish a simulation game scenario in order to model real world problems and their solutions…



The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the student's practical training process

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration
Institute of Corporate Governance and Strategic ManagementErasmus+, KA2The acceleration method of development of transversal competences in the student's practical training processdr. Mojca Duhdr. Jernej Belak, dr. Tjaša Štrukelj, mag. Nataša Gajšt01.10.2015 - 01.09.2018

More about project: 


The report O1 concerning applied teaching methods of transversal skills and methods of practical trainings

The report O2 of the research of transversal skills requirement among entrepreneurs


Matrix of the dependencies between practical teaching methods and an increase in students’ transversal competences


The most effective training processes


International Conference: Competences in Smart Cities


Jean Monnet Module - Big data EU business implications

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderDuration
Institute of e-business and Information Technology ManagementErasmus+, KA2Jean Monnet Module - Big data EU business implicationsdr. Igor Perko01.10.2016 - 31.12.2018

About project:

The Big Data EU Business Implications Summer School comprises multiple objectives:

  • To provide the listeners  a holistic view on EU studies and Big Data business implications, and develop key competences.
  • To develop teaching staff understanding of EU studies, Big Data capacitie and enhance multidisciplinarity of research and teaching efforts.
  • To enlighten the organisations on local, regional, national and EU level on how to integrate EU studies in development and research.  

Big data is one of the EU disrupting technologies, still mainly addressed from the ICT point of view. It is irresponsible to address such an important topic, capable of transforming the way we live from a single point of view.  

Therefore, an effort must be made to provide a holistic picture of the Big data, focusing on the important aspects of the EU environment, EU legislation, EU ethical and other aspects, in order to fully understand its implications. The effect is double-sided: The Big data is heavily influenced by the EU environment, while Big data is expected to have a disrupting affect the EU studies subjects.  

The proposed Jean Monnet module will consist of 3 phases:

  • The research: individual research efforts will be articulated in a scientific conference.
  • The execution: integrates multiple standard and new coordinated teaching approaches will be used to provide the students the holistic picture of the EU studies role in Big data business implications.
  • The dissemination: includes publishing the teaching, research and students materials on-line. 

Increasing awareness and recognition of social an environmental management accounting in academic training and research

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration
Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Business TaxationErasmus+, KA2Increasing awareness and recognition of social an environmental management accounting in academic training and researchdr. Lidija Hauptmandr. Matjaž Denac, dr. Andreja Lutar Skerbinjek, mag. Nataša Gajšt2015 - 2017

About project:

The aim of this project is to raise awareness among young people about environmental management accounting and giving them the skills to put environmental accounting into practice. It places priority on the development of environmental management accounting literacy as a core competence among undergraduate students. It aims to identify good practice in approaches to teaching and curriculum development and embed environmental management accounting in institutional teaching and learning strategies.   


  • To share knowledge, experience and best practices on the education of  social and environmental accounting 
  • To design innovative teaching materials  including case studies, videos and e-book
  • To provide teachers with the fundamentals and latest developments in social and environmental accounting and build skills for using technology for teaching
  • To promote industry-specific and comparative research and publication in social and environmental management accounting 
  • To strengthen inter-institutional cooperation at the international level
  • To improve labor mobility of accounting students between the EU and non EU
  • To identify emerging environmental accounting trends and prepare students for changes in the professional business environment        


Gediz Universitesi (Turkey)  


Project partners:

Leuphana Universität Luneburg (Germany), University of Maribor (Slovenia)

Academic Writing Online - AWO

InstituteFinancing AgentProjectLeaderMembersDuration
Institute of Languages and Foreign Business LanguagesErasmus+, KA2Academic Writing Online - AWOdr. Sonja Sibila Lebemag. Alenka Plos2014 - 2016

About project:

The two years’ EU funded project within the Erasmus+/Strategic Partnerships framework develops an online course on Academic Writing for Business Studies in seven languages providing the necessary skills and tools for writing the final thesis.  

The online course includes six modules for students and one module for teachers in the field of Academic Writing and tutors of students’ work. Every module is composed of 15 units with text parts, exercises and videos.

Scientific Work - Introduction

  • Scientific Work - Advanced
  • ICT based Literature and Text Management
  • Empirical Research in Business Administration
  • Science Marketing in Business Administration
  • Self-coaching for Students
  • Successful Supervision of Students


University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (Austria) 

Project partners:

ASAS Aus- und Weiterbildung AG/e-matrix GmbH (Austria), Veleučilište s pravom javnosti Baltazar Zaprešić (Croatia), ÚJOP Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Czech Republic), Eszterházy Károly Főiskola (Hungary), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Matej Bal University Banska Bystrica (Slovakia)