Institute of Languages and Foreign Business Languages
The Institute of Languages and Foreign Business Languages focuses on foreign languages as languages for specific purposes – primarily English and German (i.e., specialized terminology, business communication in foreign languages, commercial correspondence), LSP teaching and learning (i.e., teaching methods, resources, assessment, and lifelong learning to support foreign business language acquisition and proficiency), and interdisciplinary topics (i.e., intercultural communication and competences in business). Additionally, it offers a number of business communication-related language courses, language editing services, and academic/professional writing instruction.
Head: Dr Natasa Gajst, lector (
MSc Tosja Kobler Jovanovič, lector
Tatjana Koropec, lector
MSc Alenka Plos, lector
· Research in foreign languages as languages for specific purposes:
o specialized terminology and terminography,
o corpus analysis of languages for specific purposes,
o communication patterns, business communication in foreign languages,
o business correspondence.
· Research in LSP teaching and learning:
o modern and creative methods of foreign business language teaching and learning,
o tools and materials for foreign business language teaching and learning,
o foreign business language assessment, international standards,
o academic and professional writing instruction,
o lifelong and non-formal learning of foreign languages.
· Interdisciplinary research:
o intercultural communication and intercultural competences for business.
o use of foreign languages as an element in business culture and competitiveness of organisations.