After your Study Exchange

Congratulations on successfully completing your Erasmus+ study exchange - we believe you thoroughly enjoyed it!

Now it's time to fulfill your obligations upon return to receive the remaining 20% of the Erasmus+ financial grant, as well as to have all your completed study obligations abroad recorded in your student record (AIPS).

1. Step

Within 30 days after completing the study exchange, the student must submit the following documents to the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business:

  • Recognition of Study Abroad - FORM 6
  • Study Abroad Report - FORM 3
  • Questionnaire - FORM 7
  • Statement of Consent for Publication of Study Abroad Report on the UM/FEB website
  • Copy of the certificate or Transcript of Records (ToR) for the exams completed at the host institution, issued by the host institution upon completion of the Erasmus+ exchange period
  • Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2, issued or signed by the host institution.

All the mentioned forms must be electronically completed and submitted to the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business via email to or they can be sent in paper form via mail.


2. Step

Upon receiving the complete final documentation, the International Relations Office verifies whether your documents correspond to those prepared before the start of your study exchange. After the recognition process is completed, the International Relations Office will then send you a signed FORM 6 via email, which means that all your completed study obligations abroad will also be recorded in your student and examination records (AIPS).

The subjects you completed abroad as additional courses will be included in the Diploma Supplement.

In case you have not successfully completed all your obligations during the study exchange abroad, you must complete those subjects at your home faculty.

3. Step

When the student receives via email from the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) the certificate of recognition for obligations completed abroad - FORM 6, then within 45 days after the completion of the study exchange, the student submits this form along with all the remaining necessary documentation to the International Relations Office of the University of Maribor (UM) and receives the remaining 20% of the Erasmus+ financial grant. The documents must be sent to Ms. Urša Segala at

The documentation that the student must submit to the International Relations Office of the University of Maribor includes:

  • Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2,
  • Certificate of completed exams or Transcript of Records,
  • Certificate of recognition of study abroad - FORM 6,
  • Certificate of residence abroad during the study exchange (payment for student dormitory/apartment or other accommodation),
  • Copy of airline/bus ticket or train ticket (in case of traveling by car, a copy of the vignette, toll payment, etc.);
  • Any additional documentation the UM International Relations Office requires.