CEEPUS Application Process

Are you going on a CEEPUS study exchange or is it something that interests you? Do you perhaps already know which of the advertised partner universities you would apply to? Check out the infographic below to see the process of going on a CEEPUS study exchange!

1. Step

In accordance with the current CEEPUS call for study exchange, the student selects a partner institution where they wish to fulfill part of their study obligations abroad.

In the first step, you must submit FORM 1 (Application for Study Abroad) to the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business. With this form, you inform us of your destination where you would like to go. After the deadline for submitting FORM 1, the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business conducts a selection process (when necessary) and informs you if you have been selected for the CEEPUS study exchange at the desired university!

Upon notification of acceptance for the CEEPUS study exchange, the student must complete an electronic application on the portal www.ceepus.info/login/register_short.aspx.

Criteria and rules for selecting students for exchanges to destinations:

1. Typically, a student who meets the following conditions can go on a one-semester study exchange abroad:

  • Completion of two semesters of study at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).
  • Regular enrollment at a higher education institution in one of the CEEPUS countries.
  • Support from the coordinator of the respective network at the home institution.
  • Students at the undergraduate and graduate levels can apply for a maximum of 10 months during their studies; doctoral students have no restrictions.
  • In exceptional cases (e.g., summer school) and with the coordinator's justification, students can also apply for shorter periods.

2. If there are more suitable candidates for a one-semester study exchange abroad than there are study places available, the selection process considers the average grade.

3. If a student loses student status before going abroad, they must inform the International Cooperation Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) as soon as possible, which will then find a new candidate.


2. Step

The student must complete and submit completed FORM 2 to the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). The student must also arrange in advance with the Head of Study Field to obtain their agreement on the form, which is then forwarded to the International Relations Office at FEB for signature and then internally forwarded to the other signatories.

The student checks the website of the selected host partner institution or contacts the international office of the host university for additional information regarding additional forms or required documents that need to be submitted to participate in the CEEPUS study exchange.

Within a specified deadline, the student sends all CEEPUS application documentation to the International Relations Office and ensures that all documents required by the host partner institution are submitted for signature to the coordinator at FEB on time.

The application process for the CEEPUS study exchange is entirely conducted online on the CEEPUS platform for student mobility.

Application deadlines:

  • June 15 - Winter semester
  • October 30 - Summer semester
  • November 30 - Applications for freemover mobility

For more detailed information, the student can refer to the following link: https://www.cmepius.si/mednarodno-sodelovanje/moznosti-sodelovanja/ceepus/.
