Staff Mobility for Teaching - STA

You have decided that you wish to partake in Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility but you don't know what are the next steps. Below you can find all the necessary documentation and information regarding Staff Mobility procedures.

Before the start of the Mobility Period - Application Procedure

1. Step

When applying for mobility, the applicant must follow the internal approval procedures in force at his member Faculty (the Faculty of Economics and Business).

Before preparing the application the mobility programme - Mobility Agreement - should be agreed upon with the applicant's direct supervisor and the management of the Faculty of Economics and Business, paying particular attention to the intended content of the programme, the appropriate timeframe for implementation and the expected results and impact of the mobility.

The activity and the content (programme) of the mobility must be clearly related to the participant's field of work at the home institution and be relevant to the Faculty and to the professional development of the participant, and must be consistent with the objectives of the Erasmus+ programme and the objectives of the staff mobility action.

2. Step

The employee must submit a fully completed mobility programme "Annex 1 - Mobility Agreement" to the International Relations Office at FEB.

The "Mobility Agreement" must be signed by the applicant and his/her immediate supervisor at FEB, and validated (with signatures and stamps) by the host and home institutions. For faculty participants, the programme is also approved by the Dean and the Erasmus Faculty Coordinator.

For mobilities involving lectures abroad, the mobility programme must indicate the titles and lecture hours for each subject that the lecturer will perform for the students at the receiving institution (under the heading "Titles of the lectures performed by the participant for the students at the receiving institution, indicating the number of lecture hours for each subject").

The staff member must also submit a signed declaration (Annex 2) to the International Relations Office at FEB, a completed mobility cost estimate form (Annex 3), and a form to confirm that the mobility is in line with the objectives of the Erasmus+ programme and the dissemination plan (Annex 4).

More detailed instructions on how to complete the necessary documentation and forms can be found at


3. Step

The International Relations Office at FEB must send the scanned application and all the above-mentioned documents in PDF format to at the latest 3 weeks before the start of the mobility, so please submit the documentation to the International Relations Office in good time.

All documents must be completed in full and validated with the appropriate signatures and stamps, except in the case of signing with a qualified digital signature, where a stamp is not required.

After the examination of the application, the UM Office for International Cooperation and Mobility Programmes will send either an approval or an Erasmus+ Mobility Co-funding Agreement by e-mail to the applicant and the Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator, or a call for completeness in case of incomplete, deficient or poorly prepared application documents. If the application is not completed by the scheduled start date of the mobility, or if the completion is inadequate, the co-funding under this Call for Proposals cannot be approved.



After your Mobility Period for STA

All the responsibilities of the application mentioned below have to be completed in 60 days after his/hers mobility period ends.

1. Step

Complete an online questionnaire, which they receive to their email address from the Beneficiary Module - BM reporting system after the mobility. Participants who do not submit the report may be required by the UM to reimburse part or all of the Erasmus+ grant received.

2. Step

Send the following documents by post to the UM address (University of Maribor, Office for International Cooperation and Mobility Programmes, Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor):

  1. original Certificate from the host institution on the duration and content of the mobility (Annex 7);
  2. the original Erasmus+ statement of the total costs of the mobility (Annex 5),
  3. a copy of the travel voucher invoiced in accordance with Slovenian legislation (extract from FIPS, stamped and signed by the person authorizing the payment), the original supporting documents must be kept by the Member State for at least 8 years after the mobility has ended,
  4. participants who did not incur any accommodation costs during the mobility shall also send the original certified declaration of free accommodation abroad (Annex 6).


3. Step

A few months after the mobility, the participant must report on the dissemination and the use of the results of the mobility in their future work via an online report that will be sent to their email address.


Evidence of the journey. The participant must provide the relevant supporting documents for the itinerary:

  • in case of air travel, a copy of the air ticket invoice and a copy of the boarding pass,
  • in the case of travel by train or bus, a copy of the invoice and a copy of the boarding pass,
  • in the case of travel by private car, proof that the journey has actually been made - copies of tolls, tunnel fees, any overnight stays en route and other receipts proving the journey. In the event of two staff members attending the same institution at the same time, only one of them will be entitled to claim travel expenses, unless appropriate evidence is provided that the journey could not have been made in one car,
  • rental cars are not an eligible expense.


Evidence of accommodation during mobility:

  • the participant must provide a copy of the accommodation invoice,
  • or a declaration of free accommodation.

Upon receipt of these documents, the UM will transfer the eligible funds, calculated in accordance with the call and the ERASMUS+ rules.