Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme - BIP for Staff
FEB employees can also take part in the Blended Intensive Programmes, or BIPs. These trainings should be aimed at BIPs that focus on training employees and not at BIPs, which are primarily aimed at students. The exception of course being if you are participating as a lecturer.
Before the start of the Blended Intensive Programme - Application Procedure
The applicant is responsible for finding a suitable BIP or one choose one of the ones forwarded to him/her by the International Relations Office at FEB. Employees interested in attending a BIP follow the BIP organiser's instructions for the application process.
Once the applicant has been accepted by the foreign institution for the BIP, he/she has to inform the management of the Faculty and ask for the approval to participate in the selected BIP since he/she will be absent from work related duties.
After prior approval by FEB, the applicant completes the application documentation, which can be found next to the Erasmus+ BIP Call for Proposals at the link below:
Participating staff member has to prepare the following documents:
- Staff Statement BIP (Annex 1);
- Mobility Agreement for Staff BIP (Annex 2);
- BIP Mobility Cost Estimate Form (Annex 3).
- Annex 1 - Staff Statement BIP.pdf
- Annex 2 - Mobility Agreement for Staff BIP.docx
- Annex 3 - BIP Mobility Cost Estimate Form.doc
The completed application dossier is forwarded by the applicant to the International Relations Office at FEB for review. The International Relations Office at FEB then forwards the complete application dossier, after pre-arranged signatures, to the University of Maribor, International Cooperation and Mobility Programmes Office, which then informs you by e-mail about the co-funding of the mobility and the further formal procedures.
After Your Mobility Period - BIP
After the mobility, the final documentation must be submitted to the International Relations Office at FEB. The necessary documentation can be found below.
- A Letter of Confirmation (Annex 4), completed and signed by the foreign institution, confirming that you have been on their training programme;
- Erasmus Statement of Total Costs of the Mobility BIP (Annex 5);
- In case of free accommodation, a Declaration in case of free accommodation abroad for KIP staff must also be submitted (Annex 6).
- Annex 4 - Letter of Confirmation BIP Staff.docx
- Annex 5 - Erasmus Statement of Total Costs of the Mobility BIP.docx
- Annex 6 - Certified Declaration of Free Accommodation Abroad BIP.docx
The International Relations Office at FEB then forwards the complete final documentation to the University of Maribor, International Cooperation and Mobility Programme Office. When this is done your mobility period has officially ended.