General Information on staff mobility

Like students, employees at the Faculty of Economics and Business can take part in Erasmus+ mobilities. Erasmus+ mobility allows you to attend lectures, seminars, trainings, and Blended Intensive Programmes at a host institution, with your costs covered by an Erasmus+ grant.

For more information and for the current Erasmus+ Staff Mobility call, please visit:

You can apply for the Erasmus+ call if:

  1. You are part of the academic/teaching staff (higher education teachers and teaching assistants) with your purpose being either teaching at the host institution or undergoing training/development in your field of work;
  2. You are part of the non-academic/non-teaching staff (professional staff) with your purpose being training/development in your field of work.



It should be pointed out that there are 4 different ways in which staff members of FEB can go on mobility where they would be entitled to Erasmus+ co-funding:

Mobility for training abroad (hereafter referred to as STT ''Staff Mobility for Training'').

The Training Abroad Period allows all staff members of an HEI to participate in training activities abroad (except conferences, protocol events and foreign language courses) in order to acquire new knowledge and skills relevant to their daily work at the UM and at their home Member State and which meet the aims and objectives of the Erasmus+ programme. This activity may take the form of training events abroad or workplace follow-up more commonly known as job shadowing.

The training, which must be related in content to the field of work of the participant at the home institution, may take place in a higher education institution abroad or in a company or any other relevant workplace in a public or private organisation (other than an ECHE charter holder) in the programme country (except in organisations not eligible for host status) and in higher education institutions in partner countries with which the UM has an Erasmus+ Interinstitutional Agreement for this type of mobility.

More information about this type of mobility (application procedures, obligations, documentation etc.) can be found here:  

Staff Mobility for Teaching Abroad (hereafter STA ''Staff Mobility for Teaching'')

A teaching mobility period allows any member of the teaching/academic staff of a higher education institution to deliver lectures in his/her field of work to students at a partner higher education institution abroad. Mobility of teaching staff is possible in any field of study.

More information about this type of mobility (application procedures, obligations, documentation etc.) can be found here:

Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training Abroad (hereafter referred to as STA/STT ''Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training'')

A period of staff mobility abroad for teaching and training may combine student teaching and training activities of the participant. Mobility for teaching may also include the provision of training for the development of the partner higher education institution.

Participation in a conference is not an eligible activity under the Erasmus+ programme and therefore the co-funding of staff mobility during the period of their participation in a conference abroad is not possible under this call.

The UM, with the financial support of the Erasmus+ programme, organises free foreign language courses for its staff every year, therefore co-financing of participation in foreign language courses abroad is not possible under this call.

More information about this type of mobility (application procedures, obligations, documentation etc.) can be found here:

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme - BIP for Staff

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme - BIP mobility window allows all staff members at the Faculty of Economics and Business to take part in BIPs that are organized by FEB partnered institutions. Staff members are be participants or lecturers. Same as for students the staff members are responsible for finding the BIPs on their own and if they believe it matches their field of work they can then apply to participate at the BIP.

More information about this type of mobility (application procedures, obligations, documentation etc.) can be found here:

NOTE: If you are a lecturer at the BIP please refer to Staff Mobility for Teaching or Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training rules and guidelines explained above.  

The possible mobility destinations are divided into 2 groups:

Programme countries (KA131): EU Member States, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Turkey and Serbia.

In these countries, mobility can last from a minimum of 2 days to a maximum of 60 days.


Partner countries (KA171): eligible institutions from other third countries which are not associated to the programme but with which the UM or FEB has concluded Erasmus+ Interinstitutional Agreements.

In these countries, mobility can last from a minimum of 5 days up to a maximum of 60 days.