Arrival to Maribor


Maribor is located close to the motorway from Ljubljana to Vienna (A1/E57) and the motorways to Budapest (E59/E65/E71/M7) and Zagreb (E59). Find more detailed information at  There is possibility to use the ridesharing -


The closest airports to the city of Maribor

AirportAirport codeFlight informationDistance from MariborConnection to Maribor
Graz airportGRZwww.flughafen-graz.at60 km NorthTrain
Zagreb airportZAGwww.zagreb-airport.hr110 km SouthBus and train
Ljubljana airportLJUww.lju-airport.si115 km South westBus and train
Klagenfurt airportKLUwww.klagenfurt-airport.at125 km WestTrain

Some of these airports are served by low fares airlines. Consult the airport websites for current information on flight offers.


Maribor is very well connected by rail to Slovenia's neighbouring countries and to the other regions of Slovenia. To get to Maribor from more remote regions, you will have to change trains once or twice.

Please consult an online International Timetable to check your connection:

The Slovenian Railways (SŽ) provide offers and timetables for national traffic. The main railway station of Maribor is located at Partizanska cesta 50. Minimum journey time: Ljubljana 1.5h, Graz 1h, Zagreb 2.5h, Vienna/Wien 3.5h, Bratislava 5h, Budapest 7h, Munich/München 8h, Prague/ Praha 8.5h, Milan/Milano 8.5h, Belgrade/ Beograd 9h, Rome/Roma 11h, Cracow/Kraków 11h, Sarajevo 12h, Zurich/Zürich 12h. Attention should be paid to comparing ticket offers.


There are direct coach services to Maribor from several cities. The central bus station (Avtobusna postaja Maribor, Mlinska ulica 1) is situated near the railway station.

Timetables for local, regional and international traffic are provided by Veolia Transport. International routes are available from Eurolines.