Application procedure

Application procedure
Participating countries are the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey.
Application procedure for Erasmus+ KA131
Online Application Instructions
1. Apply for an individual password. -
2. Complete the electronic Application Form with the Learning Agreement
Most chosen subjects in your LA must be from your host faculty.
3. Choose your study units. Please check if the subject is offered in the correct semester - CLICK ON THE INFO BUTTON BEFORE SELECTING THE SUBJECT!YOU CAN CHOOSE SUBJECTS FROM UP TO 2 DIFFERENT FACULTIES.
4. Print out the fully completed Application Form with Learning Agreement.
5. Obtain a signature from the responsible coordinator at your home university.
6. Request a Transcript of Records from your home university. The transcript can be in any form, including computer printouts from your university register-office. It must be in English.
7. We require an English knowledge certificate; you need to achieve a minimum of B1 in line with CEFR.
We accept a certificate that states your English language knowledge level, signed and stamped by an English teacher from your home institution. The printed results of your OLS test are not valid!
9. Send the fully completed Application Form with all the other requested documents to
In case your institution requires OLA, we can sign it on your request or on the request of your institution
10. All required documents:
- Application Form with selected subjects (Learning Agreement) - signed and stamped by the home university!
Online Application Instructions - Transcript of Records
- Certificate of your English language knowledge (see step 7)
must be sent by you or your Erasmus coordinator to the following email
First semester: July 1
Second semester: December 1 (For students from Turkey: first semester: June 1 and second semester: November 1).
Admission procedure
Your documents will be reviewed by the International Relations Office at University of Maribor and by the selected host faculty. If you are accepted for Erasmus study at the University of Maribor, we will send you an Erasmus acceptance letter and signed Learning Agreement (sent via regular post, to your home address).
You will be informed about the accommodation possibilities when receiving your Erasmus+ acceptance letter and other documents.
More information about study, programs and courses can be found in the section "Course catalog and faculties information." You can also find a list of Erasmus+ faculty coordinators and their contacts there. In case of any questions regarding subjects, learning agreements, lessons, feel free to contact them.
CEEPUS applications
CEEPUS applications: online at
Application procedure on faculty level
Documents in English must be attached with English translations:
- Academic transcripts (written in English);
- Transcripts of grades records
- Legible ID or Passport copy;
- Motivation Letter or CV, optional;
Student application form - CEEPUS
Application for Bilaterala program
We conclude a bilateral agreement with a university which we find to implement a quality study program and is also interesting for our students and professors exchange. Partner universities agree to exchange students in common mode, for which they will not charge tuition to exchange foreign students. For each student, the scholarship amount is paid by the home university (in case it is necessary). Exchanged students enjoy the same conditions at the partner university as their home students. Usually, they also have a free language course available. Unfortunately, the students themselves have to cover the costs of living, because the faculty does not provide funds of this kind.
When to Apply:
• Deadline for the entire academic year: estimated until 15 April
• Deadline for the winter semester: estimated until 15 April
• Deadline for the summer semester: scheduled for October 31
Application Procedure
Step 1 - Apply to the responsible person for overseas study of your home country for Bilaterala opportunity;
Step 2 – Fill in the Application form for Bilaterala exchange;
Student application form - Bilaterala
Submit all of your application documents via e-mail.
Required application documents in English
- Academic transcripts (written in English);
- Transcripts of grades records
- Recommendation Letters (English) optional;
- Legible ID or Passport copy;
- Motivation Letter or CV, optional;
must be sent to
Contact information
University of Maribor
International Relations office
Telephone: 00 386 (0)2 23 55 342
Faculty of Economics and Business
International Relations office
Telephone: 00 386 (0) 2 22 90 252