Residence permit

Non-EU citizens
Students are advised to apply for a residence permit on time; it can take more than two months to obtain it. Consult the Embassies, Diplomatic Missions and Consulates General of the Republic of Slovenia. The application for residence must be accompanied by evidence of fulfilment of the following conditions:

  • a valid passport whose expiry date exceeds by at least three months the intended period of stay in the Republic of Slovenia
  • the enrolment at the University of Maribor
  • an appropriate health insurance
  • sufficient means of subsistence during their stay in the country or the subsistence must be otherwise guaranteed

Within three days of arriving in Maribor, the student has to confirm the residence permit at the Municipality (Upravna enota Maribor), address: SI-2501 Maribor, Ulica heroja Staneta 1,

Sources: Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of the Interior