Courses in English

Congratulations on successfully choosing FEB as your destination for an Erasmus+ student mobility exchange! We are very excited to host you as one of our students. As an exchange student at FEB, you will be able to choose among a number of courses in English which cover multiple areas of study.

Currently, we offer 33 courses in English, where 18 are taught in the Winter semester (6 Undergraduate/Bachelor level courses and 12 Postgraduate/Master level courses) and 15 are taught in the Summer semester (7 Undergraduate/Bachelor level courses and 8 Postgraduate/Master level courses).

Knowing the different interests of our incoming Erasmus+ exchange students, we are very flexible in our offer of courses. We allow you to take any level course that we offer. The University of Maribor also offers a Slovenian Language course for incoming exchange students.

If you are a student who will not primarily be studying at FEB but at a different Faculty within the University of Maribor, you are allowed to take only1 course at FEB. However, the spots available for students who are not FEB exchange students are limited. We advise you to contact the International Office at FEB so we can reserve your spot in the course you wish to take or, in case the course is full, find an alternative solution. Then, try to arrange your Learning Agreement as soon as possible to include the selected course at FEB.

You can find additional information regarding courses offered at FEB in the tabs on the right side of the page or in our student guidebook.